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14 August 2019

Week Eleven | Processing the FTP Files

by Rohit R Chattopadhyay

We have started processing the smallest file the from PubMed FTP , it is expected to take around 2 weeks to complete. As it is the first time, hence it is taking more time, I expect it to take less time eventually.

Preparing for the Open Source journey

Hard to believe that GSoC19 is coming to an end, but it is leaving behind some able contributors, I hope I am one of them. GSoC has made me a better contributor, now I feel more confident in exploring the Open Source community. I no longer hesitate to communicate with people and share my ideas.
To give back to the community and further help it grow, I along with my friends have started an Open Source Society in our University. I hope we can deliver quality tools and contribute to the community and spark the fire among our juniors so that more student contributors enter the Open Source World.

May the source be with you
~Obi-Wan Kenobi (Open Source doppelgänger)

tags: gsoc - weekly report - coding period - third phase